to my homepage !!!
Unfortunaltely, most of the materials are still in Polish. Sorry
But scientific page is in English. Why not visit it now ?
Try the rest, Polish is not so difficult.
- computer software for autonomous systems,
- user modeling and user adapted interaction,
- personalisation, automatic recommendation,
- software development for mobile devices
previous (robotics):
- classical and reactive navigation,
- autonomous mobile robots,
- localisation, map building,
- path planning,
- robot soccer league - RoboCup
- programming languages: C++, C, Java
- programming mobile devices: Android, iOS, Windows Mobile/Phone
- software engineering,
- object programming
- "learning by doing" seminar on constructing mobile
robots (LEGO Mindstorms)
- diploma projects
Something about me: (under construction)
- my hobby: sailing, hiking, skiing, playing music (guitar, mouth
- some photo of me, family and friends.
Contact - Postal address:
Dr Marek Piasecki
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
Department of Computer Engineering
Wroc³aw University of Science and Technology
ul. Janiszewskiego 11/17
50-372 Wroc³aw
(previous: Institute
of Computer Engineering, Control and Robotics)
Tel: (+48 71) 320-20-15
Fax: (+48 71) 321-26-77
Created: 01-10-1998.
Last modified: